Friday, August 24, 2007

Not much

We haven't done much this week. Monday was chorus as usual. It is hard to believe that we only have 7 weeks until Canada. Wow! Getting a little nervous. I also can't believe that Aiden's birthday is coming up. I'm trying to figure out what we are going to do. Now is when all the craziness starts and doesn't finish till after Christmas. LOL! Tuesday the boys and I went to the Adventure Science Center with a little girl (her Mom and little sister) Aiden went to mothers day out with. Her Mom joined one of my playgroups and Cordy and Aiden love playing together. She says she is going to marry Aiden. LOL! Wednesday we had a play group at Chic-Flia. The boys got computer games in their kids meals. So, the rest of the week we have been playing their games. Aiden has already won one of them. Aiden had school Thursday and Friday (today) and he did really good! He hasn't been in trouble yet and we are so proud of him. He is also very proud of himself. Connor has been pitiful while Aiden is gone. He keeps saying "I want Aiden!". We were suppose to go to the Bounce Factory today, but I decided not to go this morning. I'm just not feeling very sociable. I've been trying to give Connor extra attention during the day and he seems to be enjoying that. Ean is mad at me because I blocked him out of the kitchen. He crawls over to blockaid that I built and just fusses. Now why on earth would you do that Momma? I know that is what he is thinking. Thank goodness it is Friday! We are all looking forward to the weekend.