Monday, August 27, 2007

Got Jello?

Fun fact: Did you know that you can not buy just orange jello cups? How do I know this you ask? This week Aiden's class is going over colors. They had a list of snacks that matched the color for each day and asked the parents to sign up to bring it in. I picked orange which was jello cups. That should be easy.... right? I had to run to Kroger and figured I would pick up the jello while I was there. Kroger did not have just orange. They had a six pack of orange and starwberry or raspberry and strawberry. They did have a pack of just strawberry, which would have been great if I had the red day. I couldn't make jello, because from what I understand, everything that you bring for the class has to be purchased/prepackaged. I forgot to pick up coffee so I went to wal-mart and found the same problem. No orange jello alone! I needed to go to Target to get a belt for Aiden, so I figured I would look there. If they didn't have it, I would just buy the strawberry and orange (because I like strawberry) and then it would be done. Which is what I ended up doing. I bought 5 six packs because I needed 15 orange. Connor was really excited about the jello and wanted some as soon as we got home. Let me just say, that when you look at the package you can only see the bottom 3 cups. They were 2 orange and 1 strawberry. When I opened that package the other 3 were strawberry! Each package contained 4 strawberry and only 2 orange! Now I am 5 orange short! I wanted to go back to the store and start ripping into the packages and pulling only the orange out and throwing them in the cart. Like Steve Martin did with the hot dog buns in Father of the Bride. (which is an awesome movie if you haven't seen it). So here I am with 20.....yes....20 strawberry jello cups and I'm still missing 5 orange. I'm starting to think I should have just picked up some cheetos and forgotten the jello.