Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Backstage Pass

Our official quartet name is Backstage Pass. We registered last week and had our first rehearsal on Saturday. We have already had 4 offers to sing this christmas and we don't even know any songs. LOL! We did sing a song last night at the TuneTown Christmas party. We got tons of compliments. Our director thought we had a really good sound. It is a pretty big thing if she compliments you because if she didn't like it she wouldn't say anything or would tell you what was wrong in a nice way. By the way...our director is the sweetest women ever!! confirm that she really thinks we have potential , we were offered a chance to have a coaching session of the best. I'm a little over whelmed by that. I don't really feel that we are ready for it, especially since we don't even know any music...or have any picked out to learn. It is an opportunity that we really can't pass up. He will not coach a chorus until they reach a certain level and has coached MANY international winning quartets. He coaches our chorus and has an opening for a quartet session when he comes in Jan. or Feb. (we aren't sure which yet)...we are hoping for Feb.. It's exciting, but overwhelming. So much to do and so little time. Regional competition is in March. Of course our goal is to not be in last place. :)