Ean is feeling better and no one else has gotten sick. Yay! Sunday we went to a fall festival at a chruch. It is amazing the size of the festival (and church). We have gone before, but the kids really enjoyed it this year. They had huge tents set up for different age groups with games, music and they give away tons of candy. Outside the tents they had large blow up slides and bouncies, rock climbing walls ect. There were literally thousands of people. They also gave away free soda, bottled water, pop corn and cotton candy. Christian bands played on a large stage in the middle of it all. We had a great time even though Connor was too scared to do most of the stuff. Yesterday Aiden had a really bad day at school...his worst day yet. He had 5 warnings, so he was in trouble last night. He has half a day today and he WILL do better. When I asked him why he was acting out his reply was "I was just having too much fun." By the way...have I told you guys that he wants to be a movie actor when he grows up? LOL! Connor has decided that he does not want to use the potty and likes his diapers. He also doesn't want to go to school because he doesn't want to be like Aiden. The stuff that they come up with. Ean has 4 top teeth now, and still only one on the bottom. He likes biting everyone and that little tooth is sharp! He is a great eater and amazes us with how much food he can pack away. Israel is busy at work because it is end of quarter. He is doing really well and staying busy. I had chorus last night and I am really excited because I am now in a quartet. The other ladies in my group are awesome, so it makes me feel really good that they wanted to sing with me. I'm a little nervous because I am the lead and it just seems to have a little more pressure than a harmony part. The Lead is "in charge".We are looking for music to compete with in March.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Oh what a day!
Yesterday was a long day. Let me actually start with the night before. Wed. after school, Aiden forgot to close the van door (it has been raining all week). I noticed that it was open around 5 so I ran out and closed it. The rain was coming in from the other direction, so it didn't seem to be very wet. Thursday morning the kids woke up extra early and woke Ean up. He was crying so of course I was up. Ean had a slight fever the day before and wasn't feeling well. I thought probably from teething. When I was getting the kids in the car, to take Aiden to school ,I noticed the car didn't smell too good. I started hearing a noise. At first I thought it was the radio, but it kept going. I asked Aiden what the noise was. He started looking around and said "There's a cat in our car!". The poor cat must have gotten in the car to get out of the rain and I closed him in. He was scared and meowing which was the noise. When I went to put Ean in his seat I noticed some poop...at least it was on the plastic runner right by the door, but he peed in Ean's seat. That was the smell! We still had Ean's carrier seat in the house so I switch that out. After dropping Aiden off, we came home to get ready to go to Columbia for my cardiologist appt.. Ean was really fussy, so I put him down for a nap at 7:30 and woke him up at 9:30 when we were ready to leave. Went to Columbia (1hr drive) got my medicine increased yet...again and got a whole new prescription as well. Fun stuff let me tell you. Ean was being a little fussier that usual, but I figured he didn't feel well and wanted out of his stroller. Aiden needed some jeans (since the temp has dropped to the 50's)so we drove the hour back and went to Murfreesboro Old Navy. I exchanged a pair of jeans (that were too big for me) and got two pair of jeans for him. I got money back too woo hoo! We had to get gas and then had an hour until we pick up Aiden. We came home and I noticed that Ean was really hot! All I have right now is a cheap ear thermometer that is not accurate at all. I got readings from 102-104...not a temp. from teething. We picked Aiden up and headed to the Dr. (another 45min drive to Cool Springs).They did a blood test and it came back that he had a really bad virus (probably the flu) that could last 3-5 days. Now we are waiting to see if anyone else is going to get it. Lord help us if we all get sick. I have never known anything harder than being sick and having to take care of 3 other people...that need you for everything. It was just one of those days!
Posted by
8:54 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
13th in the World
I had a great trip to Canada. We stayed very busy between rehearsals and watching the competition. I didn't get to see much of Calgary, but what I did see was beautiful. We had a park right beside our hotel that was amazing. The air was very crisp and cool which was wonderful after the 90-100 degree days we have been having in TN. I got to Calagary around 3:00 on monday after a 30 min. delay on our flight in Denver because 3 people checked in, but never boarded the plane. So, they had to take all the luggage off to fine the missing peoples luggage and then reload. When I got to the hotel my room was not ready so they gave me a $25 certificate for one of the 3 hotel resturants. I put my bags in someone elses room and headed to dinner. It was Thanksgiving day there, so not many things were open. There was a mall accross the street where we found a little market.It was nice to buy a few things and not have to eat out all the time. Tuesday morning we had rehearsal, a lunch and then a few hours to rest and then off to another rehearsal. All my spare time on this day was spent on the phone with Israel because the hotel decided to put through $1200.oo on our bank card. It got worked out in a day or two.On Wed. morning we had a rehearsal and then off to the quartet competition for the rest of the day. Another rehearsal wed. night till 9:00. Thursday morning we had a breakfast at 6:15. I had to be down early because I am on the makeup team. I was very shocked with the $30 breakfast because until then...I had never had a bad pancake. We performed early and got to watch the rest of the chorus's. Thursday night we all met up at 11:00 for Sher (our director) to read the results. We got 13th place and only 1 point from 12th. TuneTown is a fairly new chours (under 10 years old) and this was our first international contest. Also, there were about 30 members on stage that had never been in any contest with the chorus before. We were exstatic with 13 place and our score. Friday we were able to spend the day watching the quartet finals. That night 7 of us decided to walk several miles through the park to find a place for dinner. This was the extent of my site seeing. We decided on Mexican and had a great time even though Canada mexican is very different than real mexican. Saturday morning we had a rehearsal and then off to the chorus finals. WOW! What a show!! Sat. night we performed for another chorus in our hotel. Then off to sing tags in someones room till about 12:30. I caught my bus to the airport at 4:30 on sunday morning. I got home around 1:30, however my luggage did not make it home with me. They did find it and brought it to me about 10:00 sunday night. Ean started throwing up sunday before I got home and continued off and on through out the day. Monday evening Connor and Aiden started throwing up everywhere at the same time. That went on for several hours (yuck!). Then around 2:30 tuesday morning I started throwing up and that lasted the entire next day....our 8 yr. anniversary. So finally it is Wed. and the house is crazy because of being gone and then being sick. I am just now getting the time and energy to blog. I really had a great trip and Israel and the kids didn't miss me too much. I think I am ready to go back. LOL!
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4:32 PM